Monday, May 28, 2012

Amelia the Adventurer!

On May 3, 2012, my husband came to my classroom door with a very mischievous grin on his face.  For the first six months of our marriage, Landon would search the classifieds with a fine-tooth comb to find his dream dog, a beagle. Cute, right?! : )  A few words into our conversation I realized that the sly smirk was his attempt at charming me into saying, "Yes," to his beagle dreams.  Being a sucker for any puppy myself, I am easy to charm into saying yes when it comes to matters like these.  That day we came home with our own little baby beagle.  In just a few short moments, we knew that this little puppy was adventuresome and full of a cheerful little personality!  I'm not just saying that because she's mine! : )  In a split-second Amelia-Mae (her friends call her "Millie") stole both of our hearts.

Millie LOVES to help Dad with his garden! : )
Last night, I noticed that Millie wasn't quite herself.  She wasn't eating, she wanted to be left alone, and she was limping on one of her back legs!  As I picked her up to investigate further, she let out a loud, "yelp!"  I found a large bulge on her stomach, starting at her rear leg and going all the way up the side of her stomach.  The bulge was hard as a rock and enough to scare me pretty badly!  I know, I know.  I'm dramatic.  To strengthen my credibility, I will also secretly tell you that my husband was feeling pretty chicken himself. ; )  After speaking to an emergency vet over the phone, I realized that Millie had a inguinal hernia, and the bulge I was feeling was actually a hernia rupturing and her intestines were being strangulated.  Too many big word and super scary, correct?  Correct!  I have never called so many family members and friends to help me pray so hard over a dog!  Long story short, Landon and I had our very first "parent-ish" moment today at the vet's office.  We were told that Millie had to have emergency surgery in order to get everything back in tact and under control.  I'm not ready to be a parent just yet, but I'm glad that I get to practice parenting on Millie! : )  I knew that she'd be full of adventures, but who would've known she was going to get started on the BIG adventures so soon!!!

Millie resting after her surgery!  She was such a little trooper!  Even the vet was talking about what a great personality she has! : )  She gets that from her Momma! ; ) ha!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

In The Beginning... : )

EEK!! : )  My very first post!!!

If you're reading this, then you most likely know me and there's no reason for introductions.  I'm not sure how often I'll be able to keep this up, but I do want to try.  TRY being the operative word there. ; )

I officially became Mrs. Landon Long on October 29, 2011.  [Best day of my ever-living life.] Landon and I had a whirl-wind romance.  Our first date was in January, we were engaged in June, and we got hitched in October. I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!  Since then, the amazing, chaotic whirlwind has become normalcy to us.  I truly did not know the correct definition of 'busy' until now.  This chaos is something that we both love, but I want to be sure that as we are swirling around in all of it, we take time to remember the little pieces that make our life what it is.  You know, everyone has heard those embarrassing stories that their parents tell about when they were honey mooning and how they were so "dirt poor."  Well, I am definitely living in those days [especially the latter ; )], and I want to be SURE that my children don't miss any of the lovely details!

Landon is the Childrens' Pastor at The Anchor in Beaumont, TX. [Yes, I'm now a converted Texan. GAG.] I am his official idea runner-byer.  Yes, that IS an official job title! He comes up with these AMAZING ideas, and I help him make them happen.  Or I help him realize that they are pretty out there.  Whichever seems necessary at the time.  Ha!  While growing up, my prayers were always, "Lord, I will do ANYthing and go ANYwhere!  Whatever YOU want!  Just don't let it be with kids."  I found out that God DOES have a sense of humor, and I fell in love with a goofy kids' clown. : ) The most handsome clown I've ever seen! Landon is PASSIONATE about childrens' ministry -- any kind of ministry, really!  He loves these kids in a way that I never knew, and that love is highly contagious.  Lo and behold, the love and passion has rubbed off on me an itsy bit.  I could not be happier with our church family or the children that we have the opportunity to serve!

Domestically, I am still learning to say the least.  I will never ever understand how my mother balanced everything that she did!  Especially putting up with my crazy Daddy! Thankfully, my wonderful husband helps me around the house... [As he tracks in nasty dirt and grass on his boots from working diligently on his precious garden outside. Sorry, just had to add that little tidbit.]  I hardly ever cooked before we got married.  To be perfectly honest, I burnt toast on a frequent basis.  I was scared to death!  Surprisingly, cooking has been one of my favorite things about being domesticated!  My food hasn't killed my husband yet, so I'm assuming it's halfway decent!  I don't have the whole cleaning routine down yet.  I'm trying really hard, but we still have days where we take a whole day and spotlessly clean the house.  This summer will really help me to get in a routine of daily cleaning.  NO MORE CLOSET STUFFING!!!

Have a Happy Day!